
Generational trauma can be inherited from how we were treated while we were raised. But it does not just start from how one person treated us. Nope, it can also come from the stuff that a whole community or culture has been through.

And let me tell you, it can show up in some pretty wild ways!

It’s a battle.

When generational trauma hits, it’s like a big wave crashing down on your mental health. It can mess with your mind and make you feel all kinds of not-so-great things.

You might find yourself:

Battling with mental health issues, i.e. depression

Turning to substances or vices to cope with pain

Struggle with forming healthy relationships

And there's the feeling of being lost:

You might carry around some unresolved pain deep inside you, not really knowing where it comes from or how to make it go away.

Yet, how did we get here? (ONGOING)

But guess what!

You’re not alone in this. By acknowledging it, talking about it, and seeking support, you can start untangling yourself from its grip and be freed from the shadows of the past.

Let's dig deeper!

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