Silence in
the House

In the world of Asian households...

There is a culture of silence that looms over families. Society seems to have this unwritten rule that says, “If we keep our mouth shut, everything will be fine.”

So, families learned to sweep things under the rug, to hide their true feelings, all in the name of maintaining a false peace.

But there’s always a catch.

All those unspoken words, those important conversations that never happened, they already take a toll on everyone.

And when you try to hide...

When we choose to tiptoe around unresolved issues, they will keep piling up, like a mountain of unspoken pain.

And when you try to hide...

When we choose to tiptoe around unresolved issues, they will keep piling up, like a mountain of unspoken pain.

As the next generation comes along,

They will feel the weight of this silent pressure. And so begins a never-ending cycle of these unaddressed conflicts morphing in its different forms.

Let's dig deeper!

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