Heartfelt Notes

How are you, really?

These note templates are an invitation to write healing notes to your past, present, and future selves with tenderness.

Reassure your past of their strength, embrace your present with self-compassion, and look onto your future with hopeful anticipation with these notes. 🌟🌸🌼

How others have tackled it:

The Templates

Look into your past, present, and future and get in touch with your inner child with these personal reflecting notes.

To download them on a desktop, simply right-click your desired note and click “Save image as…”. On phones, hold the template you want to use and save it.

Fill it up by editing digitally in text through any application or printing it out on paper for yourself!

Writing these healing notes creates a profound connection with every version of yourself across time.

This fosters self-acceptance, resilience, and a positive perspective on your life’s journey, a valuable tool for navigating the ups and downs of life with grace and strength.

Hearts on The Table tools should not be used to replace a clinical interview with a licensed professional.

If you are experiencing significant emotional difficulties, know that it’s okay to ask for help from the right people, specifically, qualified professionals who will be able to guide you the best in unpacking inner emotions.

These worksheets were adapted from the book Breaking the Cycle: the 6 Stages of Healing from Childhood Family Trauma: Support and recovery for What You Were Once Powerless to Change by Kaytlyn Gillis, published in 2023.

Wanna share your inner reflections?

Want to celebrate how far you’ve come in your healing journey with others? 

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