Hi, I'm Krip!

I am a friend who will gently guide you towards your journey of healing.

I am the keeper of fragments of the unspoken past that are left unresolved. I’m here for those who are seeking to find me and uncover the secrets and lessons I hold.

A Gentle Disclaimer:

Hearts on The Table tools should not be used to replace replacement for professional help.

If you are experiencing significant emotional difficulties, please know that it’s okay to ask for help from the right people, specifically, qualified professionals who can guide you the best in unpacking inner emotions. 

See “Healing” page for more information and helpful hotlines.

The Taboo on the
Word “Trauma”

A ghost that haunts families, passing down psychological and emotional hurt from one generation to the next. It’s the lingering effects of traumatic experiences that stick around and show up in people’s lives for ages.

Looking for a special place where we can all come together and unapologetically share our hearts out?

hearts on the table

Get ready to ignite transformative conversations and create a warm and friendly atmosphere where hearts can truly open up through these thoughtfully crafted 3 levels of question prompts and wildcards.

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